Lost Between The Cracks
The biography of Anishinaabe trans knowledge keeper, Mona Hardy, Lost Between The Cracks is the tale of resilience, determination, and the space between two cultures. Follow Mona from her childhood to the end of her life, from the remote forests of Northern Ontario to the big city and back, in this rich tale of adventure, love, advocacy, and more.
Help write Part Two: Tales of Community and Hardiness
Mona wanted to write part two, because of course she did. Her work was never done.
Now that Mona has passed, ShaeMichelle will be working to complete the second book in her stead. The first book was written from Mona’s perspective, looking out at her community. The second book will be all about Mona, from the perspective of her community, looking in.
Do you have stories about Mona? They can be as simple as a joke shared over lunch or as complex as your personal history with her.
Part Two will work to share more about Mona, who people saw her as, how she made them laugh, and what work she did that Part One missed.